Power & Control

Empowering better testing in the industrial power & control sectors.

Every mass transit system has power distribution at its core. Power distribution by its nature has many electrical connections and multiple relays to send power in different directions depending on the control systems requirements.


The combination of high power and the high density of components and wires make testing this system especially challenging.  Our ability to create complex test sequences directly from ECAD data and resolve stacked relay sequences automatically sets us apart.  This capability in conjunction with the ability to switch the high voltages of any ATE test system, places our technology in a unique position.

Did you know?

The global wind turbine market is expected to reach >$80bn by 2024. We’re advocating for a standardized approach to testing these vital components of green energy.

Main Applications

3.4 Industrial power and control application 1 wiring harnesses

Wiring harnesses or looms

3.4 Industrial power and control application 2 switching equipment

Switching equipment

3.4 Industrial power and control application 3 power management and distribution cabinets

Power management and distribution cabinets

3.4 Industrial power and control application 4 complex wired assemblies

Complex wired assemblies and distribution panels

3.4 Industrial power and control application 5 renewable energy installations

Renewable energy installations including solar power and wind energy generation

3.4 Industrial power and control application 6 electrical assemblies and connectors

Electrical assemblies and connectors

A slip ring is on a table in the foreground, connected to a slip ring test system which is in the background.

Slip ring and commutator manufacturing and integration

3.4 Industrial power and control application 8 wind power turbines

Wind power turbines manufacturing and preventative maintenance, specifically function testing and bond testing

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Some of our power and control customers

Huber Suhner logo
Moog logo
Pandect logo
Santon Switchgear logo
Schleifring logo