Catherine McIntyre, Family Support Worker at the Rainbow Family Centre, Clyde is clear that treating families with dignity and respect and forming a relationship with them is vital.
“Relationships are paramount, if you’ve not got that, you know, you’ll not get that trust and confidence from the parents. If you’ve not got the relationship right you’re not going to get anywhere. In my role and in every other role in this nursery.”
The confidence this gives families means they know there’s an open door. Many families feel that they can approach the centre with anything. Pre pandemic Catherine met families through the parent and child sessions she ran, which had to evolve for several months. If it’s not been possible to meet families face to face, the nursery makes calls to families to keep in touch.
“Just recently, because we can’t have parents' night, the nursery has kept in touch over the phone, to let parents know how their children are doing."
"My contact is mainly targeted. So sometimes the playroom staff might tell me ‘wee George hasn’t been in for three days and we’ve not heard from Mum’. You know I would just give a wee quick call and ask the Mum how she is and how things are. Just that wee tie in just to make sure that they’re ok and they know that we’re here.”